Thursday, April 28, 2016


Ice melts to water
The White exchanges with green
 Life rouses from sleep

Poem review


Failure doesn't mean you are a failure,

It does mean you haven't succeeded yet.

Failure doesn't mean you have accomplished nothing,

It does mean you have learned something.

Failure doesn't mean you have been a fool,

It does mean you had a lot of faith.

Failure doesn't mean you've been disgraced,

It does mean you were willing to try.

Failure doesn't mean you don't have it,

It does mean you have to do something in a different way.

Failure doesn't mean you are inferior,

It does mean you are not perfect.

Failure doesn't mean you've wasted your life,

It does mean you have a reason to start afresh.

Failure doesn't mean you should give up,

It does mean you must try harder.

Failure doesn't mean you'll never make it,

It does mean it will take a little longer.

Failure doesn't mean God has abandoned you,

It does mean God has a better idea.

This is a poem from Robert H. Schuller. It talks about the failure in human life. Everyone has failures in their life, because everyone wants to be succeeded must to experience the failure. I like the content of this poem. This is a special poem, because it doesn't include a lot of rhymes in this poem. If you look at each ending of the lines you will realize not all the words sounds the same. This poem works based on the meaning. So it is a free verse poem, and the author wants to show how to face or understand failures. In this poem every start part of the lines are similar. In my opinion I love this poem, because it meaning and special ways of writing. After I reading this poem, I think a lot of what author wants to tell us. It is about failure's meaning in our life. "Failure doesn't you have accomplished nothing, It does mean you have learned something." These are my favorite sentences in this poem. I understand this poem more deeply based on these sentences. I think the author wants to tell the readers failures always before succeeded. This is a interesting and inspirational poem. Also I think this poem can feet in everyone's life. Everyone might have different experience in their life and face on different ways of difficulties and failures. The author use this poem to show the readers the failures are not that bad or awful. Form this poem the author shows us a lot of deep meaning. This poem is perfect even it doesn't have rhythm.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016



Failure doesn't mean you are a failure,

It does mean you haven't succeeded yet.

Failure doesn't mean you have accomplished nothing,

It does mean you have learned something.

Failure doesn't mean you have been a fool,

It does mean you had a lot of faith.

Failure doesn't mean you've been disgraced,

It does mean you were willing to try.

Failure doesn't mean you don't have it,

It does mean you have to do something in a different way.

Failure doesn't mean you are inferior,

It does mean you are not perfect.

Failure doesn't mean you've wasted your life,

It does mean you have a reason to start afresh.

Failure doesn't mean you should give up,

It does mean you must try harder.

Failure doesn't mean you'll never make it,

It does mean it will take a little longer.

Failure doesn't mean God has abandoned you,

It does mean God has a better idea.

I choose this poem, because it is very nearly to our life. Everyone has failures in their life, because everyone wants to be succeeded must to experience the failure. I like the content of this poem. It is about failure's meaning.

Monday, April 25, 2016


​During the time we were working on creative project, I learned a lot things from  the progress. This creative project is the most special project that I ever had. I chose to create a board game with Jerry and Minh because I think forming this board game we could learn what is teamwork. Also from this project we could understand the characters personalities more deeply than before. Because this is a board game and it must  relates to our novel, so we spent a lot of time on creating cards and rules. So we did our best to make this game be fair, interesting and reasonable. 
​The first thing we did is to found a game mode which is most related to the novel. First we thought that  we should do a zillionaire game, but finally we change our mind because we thought zillionaire game is a competitive game, and competition in it is most attractive part. Also zillionaire game is too normal and usual for us. So we decided to change another game mode. In the end, our game is based on the game Saboteur and it is a card game. The purpose of our game is after playing game every one can have a better understanding of why unity is important in this game and referred to the novel how the Ashmol's family fight together to against the people who wants to destroy their family.
​After we decided what we want to do, we started to create our own cards. This is the most difficult part of our project because in our group no one is good at drawing or painting. This is the first problem and also is the hardest problem we need to solve, so we chose to separates the jobs first. My job is to design the special character and their abilities in this game which is related to the novel Pobby and Dingan. Minh's job and Jerry's job were the same they were going to make the cards by using the note card and trying to draw some of the road cards. In this project we helped each other and every one worked very hard. After we almost finished all the road cards, Jerry found Lillian to help us to draw the characters cards. That solved our problem perfectly. 
​When our group had already finished drawing all the cards which we are going to use in this board game, we came up a special idea to our game. Our idea is to add two goal cards in our original goal cards. The two special cards will be Pobby and Dingan, and the player who gets the character card of Kellyanne is going to let other players to find Pobby and Dingan. So the number of our goal cards became to five. Based on this idea our game can be related to the novel more clearly. Because these goals cards remind the players Pobby and Dingan who are the most important imaginary friends Kellyanne believed.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Progress of creative project

Last we started to do the project. Because in the first draft feedback some people said they did not understand the rules clearly.So before the final draft due, we still need create more cards. Now we have at least 3 characters,more than 30cards. We finished more than half of the cards. For next step we are going to create some rules by ourselves and make more connections to our book. We will make the best board game.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Creative project

My group decided to make a board game in order to make a interesting creative project. We choose to make the board game, because it is very interesting and we can use the board game to relate to the book Pobby and Dingan. Also board game is easy to play, so everyone can join it and enjoy it. Our board game is relate to the Pobby and Dingan. The whole game is about the people who live in the Lightning Road want to find Opal. There have two kind of characters in the board game. One is good character such as Ashmol, Annie, Kellyanne, and Rex. Another one characters is bad character such as Old Sid. The good characters' goal is to find opals. The bad characters' goal is to disturb the good characters to find the Opal. 
The game is base on the game Saboteur and it is a card game.

 In this board game we have a start card which means where we start the game. Also we have three different goal card. The game's goal is to get opals. Each player can use the road cards or other tools card in their turn. If the good characters did not find opals, so the bad characters win all the opals. Usually this game will have three round, the people who have the most opals win the game.

Friday, April 8, 2016

opal dream

Secret of opal
       "The secret of an opal's color lies not in its substance but in its absences." I think it is the most confuse sentence in the book Pobby and Dingan. When I first time read it I did not get meaning of this sentence. However after I finish reading the whole book, I realize this sentence have a deep meaning. This sentence is not only talk about the opal. The novel's plot give me some hit to understand this sentence, because this novel is about imaginary friends, so I think the dream will be the most important meaning of this sentence. In the book Pobby and Dingan, the people who live in the Lightning Ridge all have the same dream about the opal. All the people want to get the beautiful opal or which opals can make them rich.
       In the Ashmol's family, opal dream is the most important dream in their life. Rex Williamson who is Ashmol's father, he wanted to get opal in order to make his family become rich and happy, but he is crazy about finding opals. Also he brings his family into Lightning Ridge in order to finding opal. Because of the searching Pobby and Dingan, all the people think he is a ratter. So he wanted to find opal to prove himself, and he wanted everyone who thinks he is ratter to be respected to him. Anne who is Ashmol's mother does not care about opal very much, but she wants to be rich and wealthy. She was live in England, but now she live in the poor town Lightning Ridge. Her dream is just want have a wealthy and happy family.
       All the people who live in this town are all focus the opal. That means the most of people all have this opal dream. However I think "The secret of an opal's color lies not in its substance but in its absences." really means the dream's result is important but the process is more valuable. Because in the process will left some memory which will never forget. However in Ashmol family only Ashmol understand this meaning though helping his sister Kellyanne to searching Pobby and Dingan. When he searching Pobby and Dingan he realized opal are not important, and he realize his family is more important than opal. When he made the funeral he chooses to give the opal in order to have a great funeral to his sister's imaginary friends. He wanted to use this opal to treat with his sister's health, but he failed. Because his family was too care about opal and ignore his sister's disease.

I think "The secret of an opal's color lies not in its substance but in its absences." want to tell us: the dream's result is important, but should not cost the entire thing in order to get the result. Sometime let the opal or the dream be visional is not a bad decision for the future.