Monday, April 11, 2016

Creative project

My group decided to make a board game in order to make a interesting creative project. We choose to make the board game, because it is very interesting and we can use the board game to relate to the book Pobby and Dingan. Also board game is easy to play, so everyone can join it and enjoy it. Our board game is relate to the Pobby and Dingan. The whole game is about the people who live in the Lightning Road want to find Opal. There have two kind of characters in the board game. One is good character such as Ashmol, Annie, Kellyanne, and Rex. Another one characters is bad character such as Old Sid. The good characters' goal is to find opals. The bad characters' goal is to disturb the good characters to find the Opal. 
The game is base on the game Saboteur and it is a card game.

 In this board game we have a start card which means where we start the game. Also we have three different goal card. The game's goal is to get opals. Each player can use the road cards or other tools card in their turn. If the good characters did not find opals, so the bad characters win all the opals. Usually this game will have three round, the people who have the most opals win the game.

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