Friday, November 6, 2015

Sookan's life

Leo Wang
English 2
Period C
Mrs. Guarino
Sookan's life
       The human is tiny under this sky; we are vulnerable. In the life we have many irresistible factors; even life is too hard to make same as our ideal. Also every people's life have some difficulties, Sookan is the main character of the gathering the pearl. She is the girl who come from Korea and study abroad at America. However, it is challenge for an international student study at a different language. Even though she is working very hard and trying to become better, also language is still a huge difficulty for her.
       In my opinion, her school life will become much better and better. Because the most difficult part for international students is to fit in a group of new environment. Also according to the story, "But I signed up for world literature, world religions, Greek and Roman culture, and early European history."(Page 18) Sookan is a student who works very hard and brave to face on the difficulties. That is the reason why I think her school life will become better and succeed in her U.S. college life.
       Ellen and Marci will become to her best friend, also their friendship will stay stronger and stronger. Because Sookan does not have any bad custom or mean other students, she will have more friends in the college. According to the book, "Marci, I'm sorry but I need to see Miss Mullen about something. Would you mind if I meet you at the dining hall later on? Would you please tell Ellen that I will see her later, too?"(Page 21) because of these sookan is talk to people politely and kindly. That will be really helpful to her makes new friends in the college.
       On the other hand, I think she will not return to Korea. Because her college life is become better and she join into the new group. She will have many friends like Ellen and Marci; also she will not feel lonely anymore. As her English ability increases she will slowly blend into American society. As the same time, she will enjoy the American life and does not too homesick anymore. According to the story, "I could make a big dinner and invite the Bennetts, Marci, and Ellen to a party at the dorm. There was a small kitchen on the first floor, and in the parlor, a decorated Christmas tree." I think she is going to have a good conversation with her friends and other people. That's why I think she will not return to Korea.

       In conclusion, Sookan has been a lot of things in America. We know that she is hard-working, polite and she really try her best to do everything. Sookan faced many irresistible factors in her life in America, but she become stronger and stronger at the same time. People always need to face terrible things in their life, it is better to face the problem with our wisdom and power like Sookan did in the book.

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