Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Evaluation of my project

First off I am very proud of myself, because this is my longest project in my life. Fortunately, I finished this diary entries on time. Also In my opinion, I did my best job on this project, so I think I can have a higher grade on this project. On my diary my main character is created by myself. She has her own thoughts. She is an international student who from China, she met her friends and some interesting people in the Finch College. Also her family is the most important thing in her life. She never forget her family, even her life is busy and tried. 
On the diary I wrote a lot of details to describe her life and her family, such as her dream, letter from her father, her feelings about her friends. I used 5 senses to describe her life and her feeling. Through this long project I feel my English has improved, because I realized on the first draft I was made a lot of grammar mistakes. Then I spent a lot of time to work on my grammar and spellings. I wrote thirteen pages on this project. This reason why it is my longest project in my life.

Monday, December 14, 2015


Last week I went to the writing center to ask Ms. Swift to correct my diary entries. I am worried about my entry, because English is not my first language, so I always make many grammar mistakes when I write a paragraph or a sentence. That is the reason why I went to writing center to ask Ms. Swift to correct my grammar mistakes. Writing center is located on humanities second floor left side. It is a small room and has a long table in the room. That was my first time going to writing center. I was very nervous, because no one was there at first and I asked other students. They told me to wait for a while as she was away. I was very nervous also because the teacher who works in writing center I never heard about anything of her. When I went to the small room she was smiling to me. "Thanks god!" I thought "She is a friendly person." She said "Do you need help?" I am still nervous so I answered strangely "Yes, Ms. Guarino told me I should come here..." I had to wait for two other students to get their work done. Which took about 20 minutes until it is my turn. Then she let me signed up my name and showed my work to her. She let me read my work loudly, which made me nervous again. I don't like my work being read out loud in front of others like that. She made me realized when I writing a paragraph I always worried about to start writing the first sentence, and because of this I always use same worlds on the first sentence. Starting with the same world would always make my sentences very boring and hard to read. She gave me a lot of useful suggestions and even ideas to put into my writing to get better content and achieve a higher grade. Other than that my vocabulary is fine, except she told me to add more adjectives to objects. She is very patient to all of us students; she really teaches us grammar from her heart. She wanted us to earn a higher grade in every class that we take that involves writing papers. My diary has improved a lot after visiting the writing center; the writing center is very efficient at helping students to get their work done. I have never thought that the writing center can help me out so much because it made my diary smoother to read. Depends on my thinking, because I was a Chinese student before. I always think about my teachers can help me the best rather than the writer center's teacher who also could help me a lot. And her choice was very suited for me. When I finished my essay, I always thought it was perfect, but if I can read my essay loudly, I would find some mistakes in it. If I did not read it loudly and read it in my mind, I would not find any mistake in my essay, which I thought this habit was the best achievement I went to writing center. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Definition and example

A comma splice is the use of a comma to join two independent clauses. For example: It is nearly half past five, so we must go to sport.
A run-on is a sentence in which two or more independent clauses are joined without an appropriate punctuation or conjunction. For example: It is nearly half past four, we need to go to sport
Fragments are incomplete sentences. Usually, fragments are pieces of sentences that have become disconnected from the main clause. Example: is four clock need to go to sport.
An independent clause (or main clause) is a clause that can stand by itself as a simple sentence. Example: we need to go to sports.
Dependent clause a provides an independent clause with additional information, but which cannot stand alone. Example: Since it is half past five.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Diary entry project

GDiary entry

Dear diary,

This weekend I wnt to shopping mall by school bus. I was so excited to go to shopping mall. The reason why I was so excited is this was my first time go to shopping mall by myself. I need brought some gifts for my classmate Jamesand my roommate Jack. On the bus it was the most hardest time for me, I couldn't sleep on the bus because of carsickness. When I went back to home I saw a big bear toy! That was the biggest toy I ever saw on my life. It is like two meters tall. In the end, I brought some tea for James. That is the most delicious tea I ever taste.

Dear diary
Today I went to school and did everything perfectly except history class. On this chapter I did not understand about feudalism. I was confused about why people were believe church so much. Unfortunately, I didn't found teacher to ask questions. My classmate John told me, she was sick so she went back home early. I was worried about my grade so much, I could not get low grade on each class because of the scholar ship. Hope I will not fail on next test.

Dear diary
Today James invited me to go to restaurant with her. I was so excited to go to restaurant with her. I said "OK, I will come with you." But today the scholar ship work are too hard, I worked at dining hall until James came to find me. He looked like angry, he said" Leo if you let me waiting for you one hour again I will not waiting you anymore!" Then we went to restaurant together. Until next day James still looks unhappy. I knowed that was my fault. If I did not forgot that what did james said he might be that angry.

Dear diary
If you ask me who is the most outgoing guy in the school, I might say “ My roommate Jack.” When I arrived America, I was tired to understand what people’s speaking. However, when I first time saw my roommate, he was so excited and hugged me. He is a popular and outgoing person. At first day of the school he introduced his friends to me, James is one of his friends. He usually teach me some grammar of english and some homework. He is the best roommate I have.

Dear diary
This weekend I went to the shopping mall by bus again. This is my second time to be in a shopping mall by myself, as I need to buy a birthday gift for my dad. This time I did not get any carsickness. I want to buy my dad either a watch or a wallet. I checked the watch store and saw a fancy looking watch. While I am deciding should I go check out the wallets as well, the sales assistant told me, the watch is on sale. I got my dad a watch as his birthday gift.
Dear diary
Today I am very happy again, because I achieved an A and I got a 100 in my math test. I am very happy because the test is challenging and I studied hard for it, and I am finally enjoying the result of hard working. I tell myself I will keep it up and achieve a 100 in my final exam this year, and get into honors class next year.  

Dear diary
Today is Monday and I am very tired for school as everybody is. I almost fell asleep in my math class because the teacher is teaching something that I already learned in China. It was the longest 65 minutes in my life. I could not wait until the end of class so I can went back to my room and rested, it is the last period of the day that I have. I slept and I forgot to eat dinner. When I awake up I feel hungry so much.

Dear diary
Today my roommate ordered Japanese sushi and ate with me. He is very generous and paid for the meal. We ordered so much that both of us couldn’t finish it, so we asked James to help us finish eating them all. I havn’t ate sushi since school started, this was the best food I had ever had since then.

Dear diary
Today is the first day of the November. I am tried because yesterday was Halloween. I was so excited, because that was my first Halloween in America. In our school we have a Halloween party, all the people were wearing special dress. During this party I saw a girl who called sookan, she is the only Korean in our school. That was my first time saw the Hanbok.

Dear diary
Thanksgiving break is coming. I'm so excited about the Black Friday. Jack told me that is a shopping day in American. Black Friday is not a official holiday, during the Black Friday the most major open very early and offer promotional sales. I am going to buy an new mouse and some clothes at Black Friday!

Dear diary
Thanks giving break arrived. I'm live in jack's house he invited me to came with him. That was my first time saw the American family. The parents are not take care of their children like chinese parents do. They give their children a lot of freedom and more personal spaces. Maybe we should learn something from American education.

Dear diary
On thanks giving I almost spent all the break with Jack, we did a lot of housework during the break. He is living in the Boston, there was very cold. According to this experence, I understood why people don’t need too big house. Because bigger house means has more housework need to do. Also you can’t remember where did you put things on.

Dear diary
After thanks giving, we came back school by school bus. I really dont want to come back because home is so comfortable, and I dont like school. On the way back I thought of the friends I met during the break and the happy time I had with them. Today is a really bad day because I have to come back to school.

Dear diary
Today is the second week of school after Thanksgiving, Im in the middle of the term and another week until Christmas, so school work is very busy and hard. I dont like this time of the year at all. It is hard and the weather is really cold. I have to wear a lot to go out every day.

Dear diary
Today my Christmas break starts, I will go home by plane again. I think of my parents and my sister on the way home. I cried on the plane because I missed them so much and I couldnt wait to see them again. I finally arrived home a day later, and I am very tired.

Dear diary

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Diary entry

Dear diary,
Today I went to Boston by school bus. I was so excited to go back home. The reason why I was so excited is I was missing my sister. Everytime when I go back to home she will cook many delicious foods for me. Also she will buy some gifts for me. On the bus it was the most hardest time for me, I couldn't sleep on the bus because of carsickness. When I went back to home I saw my sister's boyfriend! That is the biggest surprise on my life.

Thanksgiving break

In thanksgiving break, I went back to my sister's house. My sister were too busy to take care of me. So most of the times I must take care of myself. In the fall Boston's main colour is yellow, because of the fallen leaves I did a lot of works to clean them. The most interesting part of my break is Black Friday, I went to the downtown of Boston. I saw most people were lining to buy clothes or something. Also most of commodity had the lowest price. But I didn't buy anything. That is my thanksgiving break.