Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Evaluation of my project

First off I am very proud of myself, because this is my longest project in my life. Fortunately, I finished this diary entries on time. Also In my opinion, I did my best job on this project, so I think I can have a higher grade on this project. On my diary my main character is created by myself. She has her own thoughts. She is an international student who from China, she met her friends and some interesting people in the Finch College. Also her family is the most important thing in her life. She never forget her family, even her life is busy and tried. 
On the diary I wrote a lot of details to describe her life and her family, such as her dream, letter from her father, her feelings about her friends. I used 5 senses to describe her life and her feeling. Through this long project I feel my English has improved, because I realized on the first draft I was made a lot of grammar mistakes. Then I spent a lot of time to work on my grammar and spellings. I wrote thirteen pages on this project. This reason why it is my longest project in my life.

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