Friday, January 29, 2016

the ending of Me and You

       After I have finished reading the book, Me and You. The ending of the book is a sad ending that I did not think about it. Also I was surprised by this sad ending, and from the book I had realized the main character Lorenzo had a huge change compare to the beginning of the book. However I think his all changes are base on his sister Olivia. By the other hand Olivia changed Lorenzo, but Lorenzo also let Olivia changed. Lorenzo become more talkative and more outgoing than before but in my opinion Olivia did not have a huge change like Lorenzo.
       Before the ending of the book, Lorenzo had last dinner with his sister. Based on this event, I realized Lorenzo had a big change. First, Lorenzo talked a lot with his sister. I think before these days which lived with Olivia, Lorenzo never talk to Olivia or other people like this way except his grandma. Second, Lorenzo shared the last food and beers with Olivia. In my opinion this show another big change of Lorenzo made to readers. According to the early part of the book, I know Lorenzo is a lonely person and selfness person. He only wants to have a normal life, and he doesn't really care of the other people's life. However he shared food and beers with Olivia, I think Lorenzo wants Olivia have a healthy body or have a better life or wants she be happy. Because of this I think Lorenzo become more amicable and begin to care about other people. According to these things I learned no one can deny that family is one of the most important aspects of his life, no matter what kind of person his is. Also the love from family is the easiest thing to change a person.
       In the ending of the book, the author turns back to the present. After ten years Lorenzo already has became more mature than before. At this time Lorenzo is in the city Cividale del Friuli. This time is the first time of Lorenzo to meet with Olivia after they lived together in the basement. In the ending, Lorenzo found a letter which is Olivia left to him in order to thanks him about her at her worst time. When Lorenzo finally see the Olivia, Olivia is lying on a table and a sheet covers her up to her neck. Olivia still skinny like before when they were in the cellar, and she is as beautiful as ever. In the ending, we know her dead because of overdose. According to the last sentences from the letter "Remember keep the promise", I think Olivia did not forget her and Lorenzo's promise. In my opinion, Olivia tried to fight with the drugs, but finally she lost. Base on this I learned the reason why all the people told to their children never try the drugs.
       In my opinion, Me and You an interesting book for teenager to read. In conclusion, this book taught me the life and world not always good it also have negative way. The world is cruel for people, and each step in our life is important. If we did something wrong like Olivia did, we might never have chance to start again.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

How has Lorenzo changed by the end

In the end of the story Lorenzo changed his personality because of his sister Olivia's influence. The main person made his change is his sister Olivia. Also Lorenzo change himself to become more outgoing and more talketive. When the last night live with Olivia "But that evening I danced, and when I danced I felt something I’d never felt before. I felt alive –it took my breath away. In a few hours I would leave that cellar. And everything might go back to the way it was." Here, this part shows the change of Lorenzo. Lorenzo changed himself because of Olivia, and Olivia use her dance to give Lorenzo hopes. In the end, Lorenzo found out the right way for himself. He become more mature and grew up.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Sentence between 10&11

 Here, Lorenzo change his anction, and start to take care of other person. First time to hugged her sister and burst into tears.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Blog of chapter 5&6

       After I finished reading the book, Me and You. I had realized the main character Lorenzo had a different relationship with his sister Olivia. Lorenzo is a kid who always keep away of other kids. Lorenzo is not a general kid, because he is a solitray and quiet boy. However, these not mean he is a foolish boy. He is really good at to hide his real think in mind, but this is the reason why he do not have friend and become lonely. On other hand Olivia is a woman who is beautiful and mature, but Olivia is not Lorenzo's "real sister", because Olivia had different mother with Lorenzo. Even they form different mother they still have similarities. For example they both smart and not depend on parents too much.
       At first when Lorenzo heard the call from Olivia he was unhappy. According to the book "It's a trap! I had to be careful...didn't talk to each other." In that time Lorenzo thought that was a trap form his mother. On other hand Olivia needed money to use, so she called to Nihal who is the housekeeper and tried to found her box which still has some money on the basement. That's the reason why she called to her brother Lorenzo and went to the basement after. Then Lorenzo met with Olivia, after Olivia called to Lorenzo.
       In my opinion Lorenzo did not want Olivia stay with him had a lot of reasons. First, in the basement is not big enough and only for one person to live. Second, if Olivia stay with him will make him easier to be found he was lying to his mother. According to the book "I was getting really angry....In fact, I've got an idea. Ring the buzzer upstairs. You'll be much more comfortable...' I think the main reason is Lorenzo he planed whole things and he thought if Olivia came she will break every steps of his plan.
       However Lorenzo agree Olivia stay with him, because his mother called him again and asking to talk with Alessia's mother. Lorenzo had made too many lies already. This time he tried to lie again, but his mother said "You either let me speak to Alessia’ mother of I’ll call the other kids’ parents." Fortunately Olivia helped him by acting Alessia’ mother sounds finally. Even Lorenzo had passed his mother's call safety. Olivia got reason to stay in the basement, and Lorenzo could not reject her again.
       Lorenzo did not care about Olivia, because he did not like his sister. They only met like two times in the life. Base on the book "Who did she think she was? What had Dad done to deserve such a daughter?" I think when Lorenzo met Olivia he does not like her and think she is a problem. Even she had helped Lorenzo passed his mother's call, he still not like her. However Lorenzo is a kind person, when he heard Olivia is sick. He felt sorry to Olivia and he gave her some bread and concerns about the cold water when Olivia wanted to take a bath in the end.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Use one or two sentences to summarize the chapter.

When did Lorenzo start talking?

How many school did Lorenzo went to? 

What did professor said about Lorenzo? 

When Lorenzo in public high school why he wants to change school?

Why did Lorenzo want to lie to his mother? Base on this, what does show about Lorenzo's mother.

Based on Lorenzo's father rejected Lorenzo's beg, what does it show about Lorenzo's father?

What do you think of Lorenzo's family affect on his future life?

Why is Lorenzo's grandmother so important for him?

Does Lorenzo like his mother? What kind of person does he think his mother is ? Use events and examples to prove your opinion.

By Leo, Lillian, Marinda

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Summarize the event

Lorenzo went to ski trip and lied to his mother. He did not told his mother he escaped from ski trip.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Simple Story

Once upon a time I went back to my sister's house on October. She is living in Boston, and the house is big enough for our family. In winter, Boston is cold, and all the water freeze into ice because of weather. We have a small swimming pool in our house. I was very nervous about the swimming pool, because if the water freeze immediately we can't not clean the leaves.
 The only way for us is to clean the pool before it freezes to the ice. My sister and I spend a few days to clean the leaves, because it was October the weather is getting colder we didn't clean all the pool before the water freeze to ice. 
Until the spring, my sister told me the whole pool become dark and dirty, because of we couldn't clean the pool for two months. In the end we change the whole water of swimming pool.