Monday, January 18, 2016

Blog of chapter 5&6

       After I finished reading the book, Me and You. I had realized the main character Lorenzo had a different relationship with his sister Olivia. Lorenzo is a kid who always keep away of other kids. Lorenzo is not a general kid, because he is a solitray and quiet boy. However, these not mean he is a foolish boy. He is really good at to hide his real think in mind, but this is the reason why he do not have friend and become lonely. On other hand Olivia is a woman who is beautiful and mature, but Olivia is not Lorenzo's "real sister", because Olivia had different mother with Lorenzo. Even they form different mother they still have similarities. For example they both smart and not depend on parents too much.
       At first when Lorenzo heard the call from Olivia he was unhappy. According to the book "It's a trap! I had to be careful...didn't talk to each other." In that time Lorenzo thought that was a trap form his mother. On other hand Olivia needed money to use, so she called to Nihal who is the housekeeper and tried to found her box which still has some money on the basement. That's the reason why she called to her brother Lorenzo and went to the basement after. Then Lorenzo met with Olivia, after Olivia called to Lorenzo.
       In my opinion Lorenzo did not want Olivia stay with him had a lot of reasons. First, in the basement is not big enough and only for one person to live. Second, if Olivia stay with him will make him easier to be found he was lying to his mother. According to the book "I was getting really angry....In fact, I've got an idea. Ring the buzzer upstairs. You'll be much more comfortable...' I think the main reason is Lorenzo he planed whole things and he thought if Olivia came she will break every steps of his plan.
       However Lorenzo agree Olivia stay with him, because his mother called him again and asking to talk with Alessia's mother. Lorenzo had made too many lies already. This time he tried to lie again, but his mother said "You either let me speak to Alessia’ mother of I’ll call the other kids’ parents." Fortunately Olivia helped him by acting Alessia’ mother sounds finally. Even Lorenzo had passed his mother's call safety. Olivia got reason to stay in the basement, and Lorenzo could not reject her again.
       Lorenzo did not care about Olivia, because he did not like his sister. They only met like two times in the life. Base on the book "Who did she think she was? What had Dad done to deserve such a daughter?" I think when Lorenzo met Olivia he does not like her and think she is a problem. Even she had helped Lorenzo passed his mother's call, he still not like her. However Lorenzo is a kind person, when he heard Olivia is sick. He felt sorry to Olivia and he gave her some bread and concerns about the cold water when Olivia wanted to take a bath in the end.

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