Monday, February 29, 2016

Once on this island's review

Once on this island
       The musical Once On This Island is the best musical drama I have ever seen. Saturday night I went to black box to watch the drama Once On This Island. This musical changed from a novel. Compare to Peter Pan I love this musical more. Because I think this drama is much nearer to our life and Peter Pan is more like story for children. Also Once On This Island gives me more deep think or deep meaning than Peter Pan. Because I am the last one watched musical Once On This Island, my friends who have already seen the drama promise to me that would be more interesting than Peter Pan. So I was very exciting to watch the musical.
       When the drama stared, I remembered in class Ms. Guarino already told us some background of the drama. For example the four Gods that control the power: Asaka who is the mother of the Earth, Agwe who is the god of water, Erzulie who is the goddess of love, Papa Ge who is the demon of death. In the musical I love the Papa Ge most, because she did what she was supposed to do. In the story, the Gods saved the little baby Ti Moune. Ti Moune is from a poor family, but she was fall in love with a boy who is from the rich family. Then the whole drama is around the Ti Moune's adventure of love. The story began with a car crash, Ti Moune fall in love with Daniel.
       I like this drama Once On This Island, because in the Ti Moune's journey are full of music and every part are romantic. During the drama I realize the all music is product by students. In the performance I saw Ms. DiGiacomo was stand in the right corner of the black box, and she was directing for music players. When I saw that I can not believe that our school's band can play the background music of drama. That is my favorite part of this performance.
       I think the Papa Ge is the best player, and she is main character in this show. When she was going to take the life of Daniel, her action is like a demon or the Death. Also in this drama she is my favorite character. In my opinion she is not a bad god, she just did what she was supposed to do. Also I think she took Timoune's life in order to let her does not keep get hurt by the rich family. Papage gave Timoune what she wants. However no one understands her thoughts. I think she might be the most kind of god in the story.

       In the end, I understand why Ms. Guarino always let us comes to black box to watch the drama. Because each drama is perfect and give us a lot meaning. Also because of Ms. Guarino, Mrs. DiGiacomo and all performers' hard work this show is going to awesome. 

Favorite character

My favorite is papage Who is the god control the death. In my opinion she is not a bad god, she just did what she was supposed to do. Also I think she took Timoune's life in order to let her does not keep get hurt by the rich family. Papage gave Timoune what she want. However no one understands her thoughts. She is the strongest god. These are the reasons why she is my favorite character.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Visited writing center

Leo Wang
English II (IS)
       Today was my second time to go to the writing center. I visited the writing center at today afternoon after school. I went to writing center in order to find Ms. Swift to revise my essays. Before I went to the writing center I fixed some grammar mistake by myself, but I always thought my essays were not good enough. Also Ms. Guarino she suggested me went to the writing center. So I decided went to writing center after school.
       Writing center is located on humanities second floor left side. It is a small room and has a long table in the room. This is not my first time going to writing center, so I was not nervous as first time. When I came to writing center Ms. Swift were talking with another students, so I just sit and wait for Ms. Swift quietly. I had to wait for two other students to get their work done. Which took about 20 minutes until it is my turn. Then she let me signed up my name and said "I know all the students came to visit my on Friday. For all students' critical analysis essays which are from Ms. Guarino have a same problem." I said "I know we need add more analysis for our essays." she nodded and said "This is one. But another problem is more important. Do you know what problem did you made?" I confused by her question. I said "I have no idea..." "In your essays you guys always repeat your thesis or some bias. You do not need to repeat it." Then she let me to find the sentences which are repeated and delete it. She suggested me to adding more analysis and using more examples to prove my thesis instead of repeat my thesis.

       This time I got a lot helps from writing center. Last time Ms. Swift just helped me to fix the grammar mistakes. However this time she talked about many critical things to us. For example why humans are social animals, and why animals are live in groups. These interesting things expand my thoughts and let me understand why Lorenzo will be change. Also I understand why communication is an integral part of humans' life, and why humans can not live without group. She suggest me talk more things about these and make my essay to relate with our life. 
      In the end, I got a lot help of my essay from writing center. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


If you want to write a good essay, you must work as hard as you can. So revise an essay is not an easy thing. First you must find you mistake form your essay, such as grammar mistake and analysis. Grammar mistake is the most important problem in my essay. In the first draft my essay had a lot of grammar mistakes. I always confuse about the tense, so I made many mistake about tense.
First I look back my introduction again and again. I correct many grammar mistakes in first paragraph. Also I realize my thesis is not strong enough, and I think the deep meaning of my thesis. Then I started to change my thesis. I try to write the world can not without love, but I realize that topic is too big for me and not have too much relation with our topic. Then I decided to give up. I was going to fix the grammar mistake of my essay first. In my first body paragraph, I have more summary than analysis. I remember that analysis will be the hugest part in the essay. However I did not write enough analysis in essay, so I add more analysis in my first body paragraph. In my second body paragraph, I wrote more grammar mistakes than first body paragraph. I read my second body paragraph again and again, and then I fix most of them finally. In the end, I fix all grammar mistakes and add more analysis.

In conclusion, I feel I learn a lot from this essay. I learn more grammar and more experience. I think I improved from this essay. However I still not think my essay is complete, and I still have many problems in my body paragraph. Also I need to make more analysis in my essay.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Favorite sentence

As an old song said “The soul cannot live without love.” Only love can change a person and make the person complete.

This is my favorite sentence because it is my first sentence. Also I think I might made a good start for my essay, and I think reader will interested about my essay after read my first sentence.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

first draft

True Love
As an old song said “The soul cannot live without love.” Only love can change a person and make the person complete. In the story Me and You and Wall-E, two main characters, Lorenzo and EVE changed from self-centered person into the outstanding person due to the love. However, Lorenzo’s changed was by a person who Lorenzo hated the most before, but as the time moves, Lorenzo began to become better by Olivia. Also in the story Wall-E, EVE changed her mind from unemotional to a real person who wants to get love from others by Wall-E. So love has the power to change people’s personalities.
In the book Me and You, it describes about the how the love between families could change a person's personality. Before Lorenzo meets Olivia, he was a negative boy who always quiet and never share with other his real thoughts. There is evidence shows what kind of person did Lorenzo was"He says that Lorenzo is unable to feel empathy for others. For him everything that’s outside his circle of affections doesn’t exist, has no effect on him. He believes he is special and only people as special as him can understand him"(Ammaniti 29). Also he always thinks himself who was better than other. When he was in the middle school, his life is pretty good. He joined a soccer team and is very good at soccer. However he didn't really joined the group, he always "hide" himself and never shows up. In his family his mother doesn't care about him very much, and she is a self-absorbed. Also his father had a lot of works to do, so his father could not care about Lorenzo. His father is very strict person, and he never care about Lorenzo's thoughts. Also usually make all the decision for Lorenzo and never give him choice. In my opinion base on these kinds of parents does Lorenzo had, he does not get love from his parents. Olivia is Lorenzo's half sister. She is a beautiful and sexy girl. Because of her bad experiences and drug, Lorenzo does not like her at first meet with Olivia. In my opinion, when Lorenzo saw his sister slumped on the ground and vomited, he feels sympathy and pity to his sister. However Olivia is a different family member in Lorenzo's life. She let Lorenzo learned what is feeling by care other people and love. Base on the evidence story "But that evening I danced, and when I danced I felt something I’d never felt before. I felt alive –it took my breath away. In a few hours I would leave that cellar. And everything might go back to the way it was. And yet I knew that beyond that door the world was waiting for me, and that I would be able to talk to the others like I was one of them"(Ammaniti 143), that shows Lorenzo's changes. Love is around our life but most of time these love from different people change ourselves and didn't realize our changes.
The love can change anything for example in the film Wall-E, because it described about the love between robots still could change a robot's personality. Before EVE meets Wall-E, she is a cold and hostile robot. Also she doesn't have any emotion, and her life is full of missions. In my opinion her personality is same as Lorenzo. Lorenzo and EVE both lonely and self-absorbed before they meet the person who gives them love or let them feel love. She just a normal robot before she met Wall-E, and she never feel about love or emotions. Wall-E fail in love with EVE, he did many things for EVE and let her change herself. There is evidence shows what change did EVE made "When EVE wakes up, she goes angry and wants to return the Wall-E back to Earth. However she does not know the police robot "Go-4" going to destroy the plants and open the self-destruct of the escape pod. When the pod exploded EVE realized how her love the Wall-E. Fortunately Wall-E used a fire extinguisher to propel himself back. Then he and EVE dance in space"(Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures 2008). EVE change herself because of Wall-E's love. She becomes more like a human being. Base on the end of the film, after EVE fixed Wall-E she realized he lost all his memory. At that moment she shows her emotion, and she feels sad and heartbroken so she kiss Wall-E in the end. Even though EVE and Wall-E are robots, Wall-E's love still can change EVE's personality.
Love can make lots of changes to a person’s personality. From examples analyzed from Me and You and Wall-E. A person can be changed completely because of love due to emotions. The characters from the two movies changed themselves throughout the movie as they gain more emotions towards one another. Base on these two characters’ changes, so only love can change a person and make the person complete.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Body paragraph

In the book Me and you, it describes about the how the love between families could change a person's personality. Before Lorenzo meets Olivia, he was a negative boy who always quiet and never share with other his real thoughts. Also he always thinks himself who was better than other. When he was in the middle school, his life is pretty good. He joined a soccer team and is very good at soccer. However he didn't really joined the group, he always "hide" himself and never shows up. In his family his mother doesn't care about him very much, and she is a self-absorbed. Also his father had a lot of works to do, so his father could not care about Lorenzo. His father is very strict person, and he never care about Lorenzo's thoughts. Also usually make all the decision for Lorenzo and never give him choice. In my opinion base on these kinds of parents does Lorenzo had, he does not get love from his parents. Olivia is Lorenzo's half sister. She is beautiful and sexy girl. Because of her bad experiences and drug, Lorenzo does not like her at first meet with Olivia. In my opinion, when Lorenzo saw his sister slumped on the ground and vomited, he feels sympathy and pity to his sister. However Olivia is a different family member in Lorenzo's life. 


The story of wall-e is about the clean robot wall-e fall in love with the search robot EVE. Also he uses his love to change EVE. He make Eve from cold and hostile become lovely and friendly. First part will introduce the background and the details of the film. Second part will include the evidence and the examples which show the changes of the Eve made. Third part will include the reason why Eve change herself or what did wall-e do in order to let Eve change herself. Third part will conclude the whole paragraph and recall the topic sentence.

Summary & introduction:
       Wall-E is a comedy film produced by Pixar. The story is about the robots and human. The story is happen in 2805, and the Earth is covered by garbage because of the company "BnL". Because of this people decided to leave the clean robots WAll-E to clean the trash. People planned to use the clean robots WAll-E to clean the planet for humanity's eventual return. After hundreds years later, all the robots are broken except one, and this WALL-E has developed by himself. This robot work at earth for many hundreds years. Also he has developed a special hobbit which is to collect some special things.


In the film WALL-E it shows that love is the most powerful thing in the world, and it can change a person easily. Also the film Wall-E it shows that the changes did EVE made. EVE changed because of WALL-E. In the end she are not still cold and hostile to people, and she becomes to more emotional and more lovely.

Snow poem

Snow is coming,
The world covered by white.
There is the most wonderful holiday by God.

Sitting near the heater,
Enjoying your hot chocolate,
And sleep in the quiet world.

Be free to lay in bed all day,
Be free to play video games all day,
Be free to reading novels all day!

The snow day is coming.
Just enjoy this freezing holiday!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Wall-E summary

Wall-E summary
       Wall-E is a comedy film produced by Pixar. The story is about the robots and human. The story is happen in 2805, and the Earth is covered by garbage because of the company "BnL". Because of this people decided to leave the clean robots WAll-E to clean the trash. People planned to use the clean robots WAll-E to clean the planet for humanity's eventual return. However after hundreds years later, all the robots are inactive except one, which WALL-E has developed by himself. This robots has sentience because many hundreds years of life and experience. Also he has developed a special hobbit which is to collect some special things.
One day, in the earth a growing seedling has discovered by this WALL-E robot. After that a spaceship lands the earth and deploys the robots EVE to search for any plants of animals on Earth. Then WALL-E meets EVE, and he falls in love with the cold and hostile robot EVE. Then he spends a long time with EVE, and he brings EVE to his home and shows her all his collections. These things make EVE gradually softens and becomes friendly with him. When EVE saw the plant, the system in her body turns to protect mode. However the protect mode seems to have shut down, so WALL-E does not know what happened and why EVE seems to have shut down. Then he spent almost a year to take care of EVE.
When spaceship comes back to the Earth and collects EVE, WALL-E climb on the ship and travels through space to the Axiom. In the Axiom, WALL-E thinks EVE is destroying by the systems which are cleaning and fixing EVE, so he wants to stop this. Also in his action process he disorders many robots which in the ship. When EVE wakes up, she goes angry and wants to return the WALL-E back to Earth. However she does not know the police robot "Go-4" going to destroy the plants and open the self-destruct of the escape pod. When the pod exploded EVE realized how her love the WALL-E. Fortunately WALL-E used a fire extinguisher to propel himself back. Then he and EVE dance in space.

In the End, they defeated the AUTO system and went back earth. However when they are fighting with AUTO, WALL-E destroyed by AUTO electrocutes. After that they returned to Earth and fixed WALL-E. Finally the humans and robots of the Axiom restore Earth's environment.

Wall. E

Main character: Wall. E, Eve and people who live in the universe.
Eve and people.
Change: Wall E change people's minds and Eve's mind, and he made all the people and robots go back to the earth. 

3 possible choices

Up- About a old man who named Carl wants to go the lost land in order to finish the promise.
Wall.E- about the robot Wall.e and robot Eve. Wall.e use his ability to change people's minds and let people went back the earth.
Tangled- about a princess who has very long hair. One day she met Rider who stole crown form palace. Then she change Rider's thought and fall in love with him.