Sunday, February 28, 2016

Visited writing center

Leo Wang
English II (IS)
       Today was my second time to go to the writing center. I visited the writing center at today afternoon after school. I went to writing center in order to find Ms. Swift to revise my essays. Before I went to the writing center I fixed some grammar mistake by myself, but I always thought my essays were not good enough. Also Ms. Guarino she suggested me went to the writing center. So I decided went to writing center after school.
       Writing center is located on humanities second floor left side. It is a small room and has a long table in the room. This is not my first time going to writing center, so I was not nervous as first time. When I came to writing center Ms. Swift were talking with another students, so I just sit and wait for Ms. Swift quietly. I had to wait for two other students to get their work done. Which took about 20 minutes until it is my turn. Then she let me signed up my name and said "I know all the students came to visit my on Friday. For all students' critical analysis essays which are from Ms. Guarino have a same problem." I said "I know we need add more analysis for our essays." she nodded and said "This is one. But another problem is more important. Do you know what problem did you made?" I confused by her question. I said "I have no idea..." "In your essays you guys always repeat your thesis or some bias. You do not need to repeat it." Then she let me to find the sentences which are repeated and delete it. She suggested me to adding more analysis and using more examples to prove my thesis instead of repeat my thesis.

       This time I got a lot helps from writing center. Last time Ms. Swift just helped me to fix the grammar mistakes. However this time she talked about many critical things to us. For example why humans are social animals, and why animals are live in groups. These interesting things expand my thoughts and let me understand why Lorenzo will be change. Also I understand why communication is an integral part of humans' life, and why humans can not live without group. She suggest me talk more things about these and make my essay to relate with our life. 
      In the end, I got a lot help of my essay from writing center. 

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