Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Wall-E summary

Wall-E summary
       Wall-E is a comedy film produced by Pixar. The story is about the robots and human. The story is happen in 2805, and the Earth is covered by garbage because of the company "BnL". Because of this people decided to leave the clean robots WAll-E to clean the trash. People planned to use the clean robots WAll-E to clean the planet for humanity's eventual return. However after hundreds years later, all the robots are inactive except one, which WALL-E has developed by himself. This robots has sentience because many hundreds years of life and experience. Also he has developed a special hobbit which is to collect some special things.
One day, in the earth a growing seedling has discovered by this WALL-E robot. After that a spaceship lands the earth and deploys the robots EVE to search for any plants of animals on Earth. Then WALL-E meets EVE, and he falls in love with the cold and hostile robot EVE. Then he spends a long time with EVE, and he brings EVE to his home and shows her all his collections. These things make EVE gradually softens and becomes friendly with him. When EVE saw the plant, the system in her body turns to protect mode. However the protect mode seems to have shut down, so WALL-E does not know what happened and why EVE seems to have shut down. Then he spent almost a year to take care of EVE.
When spaceship comes back to the Earth and collects EVE, WALL-E climb on the ship and travels through space to the Axiom. In the Axiom, WALL-E thinks EVE is destroying by the systems which are cleaning and fixing EVE, so he wants to stop this. Also in his action process he disorders many robots which in the ship. When EVE wakes up, she goes angry and wants to return the WALL-E back to Earth. However she does not know the police robot "Go-4" going to destroy the plants and open the self-destruct of the escape pod. When the pod exploded EVE realized how her love the WALL-E. Fortunately WALL-E used a fire extinguisher to propel himself back. Then he and EVE dance in space.

In the End, they defeated the AUTO system and went back earth. However when they are fighting with AUTO, WALL-E destroyed by AUTO electrocutes. After that they returned to Earth and fixed WALL-E. Finally the humans and robots of the Axiom restore Earth's environment.

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