Thursday, March 10, 2016

Pobby and Dingan

Pobby and Dingan are two special people, because they are two imaginary friends. They were created by Kellyanne. Our narrator Ashmol does not believe they are real people. However because of these two imaginary friends the story become interesting. Pobby is a boy and dingan is a girl. They are both older than Kellyanne. Pobby is a male who has a wood lag. Dingan is a girl who is beautiful and tall. Dingan has a long blonde hair. She also has a beautiful opal. Base on the book, lollipops are the most favorite food in Pobby's and Dingan's life. Because they are the imaginary friends of Kellyanme, even though they could play with Kellyanne, but due to her hatred brother, Ashmol, these two kids are afraid of Ashmol because every time when they are playing with Kellyanne, he would always appear and disturb them. 

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