Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Spring break story

This spring break I went back to China. That was my first time went back to China this year, because the spring break is too short my parents always let me stay in America. The reason why my parents let me went back to China is I hadn't seen my parents more than six months, and we were missing each other. So even spring break is not that long they still let me back to China.
After I arrived at home, the biggest problem for me is the jet lag. In the first week, I always weak up at 3am. That made me tired. However I spend a lot of time with my parents because of the jet lag. This break I realized one thing, my parents are getting old. I remember when I was young my father is a hero in my heart, but now this hero become weak and old. I realized I must to work harder in order to let my parents to be delighted. 
Next week my father was teaching me how to drive. Driving car is an interesting thing for me. Every day my father come back home the first thing is teaching me how to drive. One day after dinner my father told me "my son you are growing up, but mom and dad are getting old. You must to learn how to take care yourself and protect yourself." Suddenly I remembered a lot of memories. I understand my parents can not take care of my whole life, and I can not always rely on them. 

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