Monday, May 23, 2016

The solemn hour

The solemn hour
The human is tiny under this sky; we are vulnerable. In the life we have many indisciplinable factors, even the life is too hard to make same as our ideal we still need to live bravely. Most of people contain many things in their life. Also in life everyone will face on many difficulties, such as laugh from other, weep, wander, and die. So should we just give up? Until I read the poem “the solemn hour” which is describe about the difficulties in people daily life. When people though the difficulties, everything will become better. The poem "Solemn Hour" by Rainer Maria Rilke contains the imagination connection with the real world to suggest that no one's life is full of the difficulties, so never give up even life too hard for now.
The poem of solemn hour is a normally short poem. What is solemn hour? When I first time saw the title, the question appeared in my mind. The solemn hour is usually in some grand event, such as concert and funeral. From the title of this poem I can know it is serious poem. However this serious poem contains many truths. In the beginning of the each Satanists, the speaker use “whoever now...somewhere in the world”, I think because of these kind of sentences made the whole poem become more believable. In every stanza the speaker use the almost same words and same rhymes. These make the poem sounds beautiful and attract g readers’ attention.

Difficulties are the parts of people daily life. Difficulties are not only a bad pressure for people but also it is a special experience for people. In the first sentence of the poem the speaker wrote “whoever now weeps somewhere in the world,” when I first time saw his sentence it gave me a big impact, and it also make me want to keep reading to found answer of why the people weeps in the world? However the speaker gives the answer in the second paragraph “weeps without reason in the world,” when I first read this I did not understand this sentence. Until I read the third sentence “weeps over me.” I suddenly understand all the things, when the speaker face some difficulties seem like everyone on the world is weeping over him. On the second stanza the speaker wrote the similar sentence “Whoever now laughs somewhere in the night, laughs without reason in the night, laughs at me.” In my opinion when the speaker failed on something, it like everyone is laughing on him. The first stanza and the second stanza are talking about the speaker’s experiences. However in the third stanza the speaker wrote “Whoever now wanders somewhere in the world, wanders without reason in the world, wanders toward me.”  I think the meaning of this stanza is when people face the difficulties and they were confusion about the difficulties, do not give up everything will become better. “Whoever now dies somewhere in the world, dies without reason in the world, looks at me.”In the last stanza the speaker wanted to let the people who gave up by himself and wanted to end his own life to looks at the people who is succeed. No one can succeed without going through difficulties. 

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