Friday, May 27, 2016

The solemn hour(Final)

The solemn hour
When I looking at sky I can feel the human is tiny under this sky, and we are vulnerable. In the life we will have many uncontrollable factors, even the life become too hard to make same as our ideal we still need to live bravely. In people's life it contains many things, but the troubles will be the most unforgettable memories. In the life everyone will face on many difficulties, such as laugh from other, weep, wander, and die. So should we just give up? Until I read the poem “the solemn hour” which is describe about the people are facing on difficulties which happened in people's daily life. I think the main idea of the poem is when people though the difficulties, everything will become better. The poem "Solemn Hour" by Rainer Maria Rilke contains the imagination connection with the real world to suggest that no one's life is full of the difficulties, so never give up even life too hard for now.
The poem of solemn hour is a normally short poem. Also it only has sixteen lines with four stanzas. "What is solemn hour?" When I first time saw the title, the question appeared in my mind. The solemn hour is usually in some grand event, such as concert and funeral. From the title of this poem I can know it is serious poem. However this serious poem not only contains many truths, but also makes the readers to think about their life. In the beginning of the each stanzas, the speaker use “whoever now... somewhere in the world,” I think because of these kind of sentences made the whole poem become more interesting. Also in the second line of each stanza the speaker use "... without reason in the world/night," from this kind of sentence the poem made readers think much deeper. In every stanza the speaker not only used the almost same words and same rhymes, but also gave the readers more deeply feeling. Also, these make the poem sounds beautiful and attract readers’ attention.
Difficulties are the parts of people daily life. Difficulties are not only a bad pressure for people but also it is a special experience for people. In the first sentence of the poem the speaker wrote “whoever now weeps somewhere in the world,” when I first time saw his sentence it gave me a big impact, and it also make me want to keep reading to found answer of why the people weeps in the world? However the speaker gives the answer in the second paragraph “weeps without reason in the world,” when I first read this I did not understand this sentence. Until I read the third sentence “weeps over me.” I suddenly understand all the things, when the speaker face some difficulties seem like everyone on the world is weeping over him. On the second stanza the speaker wrote the similar sentence “Whoever now laughs somewhere in the night, laughs without reason in the night, laughs at me.” In my opinion when the speaker failed on something, it like everyone is laughing on him. The first stanza and the second stanza are talking about the speaker’s experiences. However in the third stanza the speaker wrote “Whoever now wanders somewhere in the world, wanders without reason in the world, wanders toward me.”  I think the meaning of this stanza is when people face the difficulties and they were confusion about the difficulties, do not give up everything will become better. “Whoever now dies somewhere in the world, dies without reason in the world, looks at me.”In the last stanza the speaker wanted to let the people who gave up by himself and wanted to end his own life to looks at the people who is succeed. No one can succeed without going through difficulties.

In conclusion "The solemn hour" for me is a special poem, because it includes the most important thing in life. The poet did not use any long or hard words, and it did not have any long sentences in the poem, but it still made the readers learned a lot from those easy lines and easy words. I love this poem, because "The solemn hour" is an interesting poem it use many easy words to tell reader do not give up when some problems happened in the life. I think the speaker try to say no matters who are you or no matters what you had when troubles came to your life do not give up even you are weeping and others are laughing at you, because everything will be better. No one's lives are full of the troubles, so no one's lives are not having any troubles. Also do not be afraid of the difficulties in life, because difficulties are the parts of the life. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


The poem "Solemn Hour" by Rainer Maria Rilke contains the imagination connection with the real world to suggest that no one's life is full of the difficulties, so never give up even life too hard for now.

Monday, May 23, 2016

peer review

       I read Chantelle's poem analysis, and she chooses the poem is Baby's World. Baby's World is written by Rabindranath Tagore. The poem is like just like its name, because it describes a Utopian world. The poem is soft and easy makes people feel comfortable just like lie into a cradle. In her first paragraph she did a great job at to describe her poem. She used many adjective words to the poem, and she makes connection with real life. Also she pointed out the reason why this poem is different with normal poem. In the second paragraph she wrote about the some deep meaning of the poem, and she did a good job on this part. She contains many information and some guesses to describe the deep meaning of the poem. I think her third paragraph is the best, because she explained every sentences of the poem. Also she wrote about her understanding of the poem. In my opinion this part is her best part. In her analysis she focused on the meaning of the poem, and in her explanation parts everything is specific and accurate. She also wrote about the rhythm scheme of the poem. However the analysis still has some part can be improved, such as grammar mistakes.
       There have many grammar mistakes in her analysis. The past tense is the biggest part, for example "The writer uses baby as a significant figure of innocent, clear, and cute." In this sentence the word "use" should be in past tense. Also there are some sentences make me confusion "Reading this poem makes me remember my childhood when I had to trouble, and no pressure."and "He never needs to worry friends leave him because stars are always with him." These sentences might have some grammar mistakes. I think the grammar is not the most important problem on her essay. In her first paragraph I can not to find the thesis statement in her first paragraph. Thesis statement is one of the most important things of an essay, because if without thesis the reader can not understand what the author wanted to say. Also in her first paragraph is not very attractive enough, so when I first time read her first paragraph it did not attract me attention. The last problem is her conclusion. The conclusion is too short to conclude this essay, because two sentences can not conclude her essay. I think her might can to use the connection of her life or her experience to conclude the whole analysis, because this can make her analysis become more interesting. After all she wrote a good analysis for her poem the Baby’s World.
        In conclusion, her analysis is really good. I think her two body paragraphs are the best parts of her analysis, so I think she can makes the thesis statement based on her body paragraphs. For the grammar just be careful on the tense. After all the most parts of this essay are perfect, so just add a strong thesis on the first paragraph and more sentences on conclusion.

The solemn hour

The solemn hour
The human is tiny under this sky; we are vulnerable. In the life we have many indisciplinable factors, even the life is too hard to make same as our ideal we still need to live bravely. Most of people contain many things in their life. Also in life everyone will face on many difficulties, such as laugh from other, weep, wander, and die. So should we just give up? Until I read the poem “the solemn hour” which is describe about the difficulties in people daily life. When people though the difficulties, everything will become better. The poem "Solemn Hour" by Rainer Maria Rilke contains the imagination connection with the real world to suggest that no one's life is full of the difficulties, so never give up even life too hard for now.
The poem of solemn hour is a normally short poem. What is solemn hour? When I first time saw the title, the question appeared in my mind. The solemn hour is usually in some grand event, such as concert and funeral. From the title of this poem I can know it is serious poem. However this serious poem contains many truths. In the beginning of the each Satanists, the speaker use “whoever now...somewhere in the world”, I think because of these kind of sentences made the whole poem become more believable. In every stanza the speaker use the almost same words and same rhymes. These make the poem sounds beautiful and attract g readers’ attention.

Difficulties are the parts of people daily life. Difficulties are not only a bad pressure for people but also it is a special experience for people. In the first sentence of the poem the speaker wrote “whoever now weeps somewhere in the world,” when I first time saw his sentence it gave me a big impact, and it also make me want to keep reading to found answer of why the people weeps in the world? However the speaker gives the answer in the second paragraph “weeps without reason in the world,” when I first read this I did not understand this sentence. Until I read the third sentence “weeps over me.” I suddenly understand all the things, when the speaker face some difficulties seem like everyone on the world is weeping over him. On the second stanza the speaker wrote the similar sentence “Whoever now laughs somewhere in the night, laughs without reason in the night, laughs at me.” In my opinion when the speaker failed on something, it like everyone is laughing on him. The first stanza and the second stanza are talking about the speaker’s experiences. However in the third stanza the speaker wrote “Whoever now wanders somewhere in the world, wanders without reason in the world, wanders toward me.”  I think the meaning of this stanza is when people face the difficulties and they were confusion about the difficulties, do not give up everything will become better. “Whoever now dies somewhere in the world, dies without reason in the world, looks at me.”In the last stanza the speaker wanted to let the people who gave up by himself and wanted to end his own life to looks at the people who is succeed. No one can succeed without going through difficulties. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Theater review

Theater review
     This Saturday I went to the black box for watching a new theater. The new theater contain many different parts of the shows, and it is a comedy show, called "Comedy Tonight". This is the most interesting show I ever seen. The most amazing thing is all the shows were directed by students and Mr. Porter. This is my first time watched show which was made by students. Also this is my favorite theater in this year, because when I was watching this theater it attracted me all the time. I was planed to watch this show on the Friday, because on the Friday I was too sleepy then I over slept the show. Fortunately on the Saturday had sits, so I did not miss the most interesting and funny show in this year.
     I think the best part of the show is the morning meeting. In this show I saw my daily life, and what just happened around our life in Cheshire Academy.  I love this show most, because I can found myself or my friends or my teachers or other people who was around my life in this show. I think this show is the best, because everyone laugh and clap in this show and can easily to understand this show. All the actor did their best in this show, so it make people feel like really morning meeting in our daily life. Also each teachers they acted like real, such as Ms. Minahan, Ms. Anderson, Mr. Dykemen, and Mr. Porter. In my opinion, John Jiang is the best actor in this theater. Not only he is a my friend but also when John played Mr. Dykemen most like real. 
     This is best show I ever seen. I can not believe the actors of this show are my friends. This is the most interesting show I ever seen. I can not believe this show are near to my daily life. This is the most amazing show I ever seen. I can not believe this show grab all my attention. I love this show, this is my favorite show! 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Music of poem

Let me hear 

I choose this Japanese music for the poem, because the poem that I choose doesn't include the happy meaning. Also the words of this poem shows the poem is dejected. Because of the poem has a sad meaning, so I can not use happy or romantic music. Let Me Hear is a good choice, because it has the similiar meaning with the poem I chose

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The poem that I choose

Solemn Hour
A poem by Rainer Maria Rilke

Whoever now weeps somewhere in the world,
weeps without reason in the world,
weeps over me.

Whoever now laughs somewhere in the night,
laughs without reason in the night,
laughs at me.

Whoever now wanders somewhere in the world,
wanders without reason out in the world,
wanders toward me.

Whoever now dies somewhere in the world,
dies without reason in the world,
looks at me.

Date: 10/5 2016

Friday, May 6, 2016

Found poem

The human is tiny under this sky; we are vulnerable. In the life we had many irresistible factors; even life is too hard to make same as our ideal. In our childhood, we must have a happy family. But at the same time, you will face something that would make you scared in your whole life. But remember one thing, nothing can beat you, all the things finally would become the catalyst to make you grow stronger, and not afraid of face problems.

The human is tiny under this sky
even life is too hard
have a happy family
make you grow stronger
not afraid of face any problems

Thursday, May 5, 2016


The time is flying,
Sand is passing.
Don't wait
Do best
Don't waste time.
You will be best.


Five single-gender dormitories,
each dorm differs in design.
A place to unwind, study, talk,
and find time to be alone.
Friendships built here
continue long after graduation.

Thursday, April 28, 2016


Ice melts to water
The White exchanges with green
 Life rouses from sleep

Poem review


Failure doesn't mean you are a failure,

It does mean you haven't succeeded yet.

Failure doesn't mean you have accomplished nothing,

It does mean you have learned something.

Failure doesn't mean you have been a fool,

It does mean you had a lot of faith.

Failure doesn't mean you've been disgraced,

It does mean you were willing to try.

Failure doesn't mean you don't have it,

It does mean you have to do something in a different way.

Failure doesn't mean you are inferior,

It does mean you are not perfect.

Failure doesn't mean you've wasted your life,

It does mean you have a reason to start afresh.

Failure doesn't mean you should give up,

It does mean you must try harder.

Failure doesn't mean you'll never make it,

It does mean it will take a little longer.

Failure doesn't mean God has abandoned you,

It does mean God has a better idea.

This is a poem from Robert H. Schuller. It talks about the failure in human life. Everyone has failures in their life, because everyone wants to be succeeded must to experience the failure. I like the content of this poem. This is a special poem, because it doesn't include a lot of rhymes in this poem. If you look at each ending of the lines you will realize not all the words sounds the same. This poem works based on the meaning. So it is a free verse poem, and the author wants to show how to face or understand failures. In this poem every start part of the lines are similar. In my opinion I love this poem, because it meaning and special ways of writing. After I reading this poem, I think a lot of what author wants to tell us. It is about failure's meaning in our life. "Failure doesn't you have accomplished nothing, It does mean you have learned something." These are my favorite sentences in this poem. I understand this poem more deeply based on these sentences. I think the author wants to tell the readers failures always before succeeded. This is a interesting and inspirational poem. Also I think this poem can feet in everyone's life. Everyone might have different experience in their life and face on different ways of difficulties and failures. The author use this poem to show the readers the failures are not that bad or awful. Form this poem the author shows us a lot of deep meaning. This poem is perfect even it doesn't have rhythm.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016



Failure doesn't mean you are a failure,

It does mean you haven't succeeded yet.

Failure doesn't mean you have accomplished nothing,

It does mean you have learned something.

Failure doesn't mean you have been a fool,

It does mean you had a lot of faith.

Failure doesn't mean you've been disgraced,

It does mean you were willing to try.

Failure doesn't mean you don't have it,

It does mean you have to do something in a different way.

Failure doesn't mean you are inferior,

It does mean you are not perfect.

Failure doesn't mean you've wasted your life,

It does mean you have a reason to start afresh.

Failure doesn't mean you should give up,

It does mean you must try harder.

Failure doesn't mean you'll never make it,

It does mean it will take a little longer.

Failure doesn't mean God has abandoned you,

It does mean God has a better idea.

I choose this poem, because it is very nearly to our life. Everyone has failures in their life, because everyone wants to be succeeded must to experience the failure. I like the content of this poem. It is about failure's meaning.

Monday, April 25, 2016


​During the time we were working on creative project, I learned a lot things from  the progress. This creative project is the most special project that I ever had. I chose to create a board game with Jerry and Minh because I think forming this board game we could learn what is teamwork. Also from this project we could understand the characters personalities more deeply than before. Because this is a board game and it must  relates to our novel, so we spent a lot of time on creating cards and rules. So we did our best to make this game be fair, interesting and reasonable. 
​The first thing we did is to found a game mode which is most related to the novel. First we thought that  we should do a zillionaire game, but finally we change our mind because we thought zillionaire game is a competitive game, and competition in it is most attractive part. Also zillionaire game is too normal and usual for us. So we decided to change another game mode. In the end, our game is based on the game Saboteur and it is a card game. The purpose of our game is after playing game every one can have a better understanding of why unity is important in this game and referred to the novel how the Ashmol's family fight together to against the people who wants to destroy their family.
​After we decided what we want to do, we started to create our own cards. This is the most difficult part of our project because in our group no one is good at drawing or painting. This is the first problem and also is the hardest problem we need to solve, so we chose to separates the jobs first. My job is to design the special character and their abilities in this game which is related to the novel Pobby and Dingan. Minh's job and Jerry's job were the same they were going to make the cards by using the note card and trying to draw some of the road cards. In this project we helped each other and every one worked very hard. After we almost finished all the road cards, Jerry found Lillian to help us to draw the characters cards. That solved our problem perfectly. 
​When our group had already finished drawing all the cards which we are going to use in this board game, we came up a special idea to our game. Our idea is to add two goal cards in our original goal cards. The two special cards will be Pobby and Dingan, and the player who gets the character card of Kellyanne is going to let other players to find Pobby and Dingan. So the number of our goal cards became to five. Based on this idea our game can be related to the novel more clearly. Because these goals cards remind the players Pobby and Dingan who are the most important imaginary friends Kellyanne believed.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Progress of creative project

Last we started to do the project. Because in the first draft feedback some people said they did not understand the rules clearly.So before the final draft due, we still need create more cards. Now we have at least 3 characters,more than 30cards. We finished more than half of the cards. For next step we are going to create some rules by ourselves and make more connections to our book. We will make the best board game.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Creative project

My group decided to make a board game in order to make a interesting creative project. We choose to make the board game, because it is very interesting and we can use the board game to relate to the book Pobby and Dingan. Also board game is easy to play, so everyone can join it and enjoy it. Our board game is relate to the Pobby and Dingan. The whole game is about the people who live in the Lightning Road want to find Opal. There have two kind of characters in the board game. One is good character such as Ashmol, Annie, Kellyanne, and Rex. Another one characters is bad character such as Old Sid. The good characters' goal is to find opals. The bad characters' goal is to disturb the good characters to find the Opal. 
The game is base on the game Saboteur and it is a card game.

 In this board game we have a start card which means where we start the game. Also we have three different goal card. The game's goal is to get opals. Each player can use the road cards or other tools card in their turn. If the good characters did not find opals, so the bad characters win all the opals. Usually this game will have three round, the people who have the most opals win the game.

Friday, April 8, 2016

opal dream

Secret of opal
       "The secret of an opal's color lies not in its substance but in its absences." I think it is the most confuse sentence in the book Pobby and Dingan. When I first time read it I did not get meaning of this sentence. However after I finish reading the whole book, I realize this sentence have a deep meaning. This sentence is not only talk about the opal. The novel's plot give me some hit to understand this sentence, because this novel is about imaginary friends, so I think the dream will be the most important meaning of this sentence. In the book Pobby and Dingan, the people who live in the Lightning Ridge all have the same dream about the opal. All the people want to get the beautiful opal or which opals can make them rich.
       In the Ashmol's family, opal dream is the most important dream in their life. Rex Williamson who is Ashmol's father, he wanted to get opal in order to make his family become rich and happy, but he is crazy about finding opals. Also he brings his family into Lightning Ridge in order to finding opal. Because of the searching Pobby and Dingan, all the people think he is a ratter. So he wanted to find opal to prove himself, and he wanted everyone who thinks he is ratter to be respected to him. Anne who is Ashmol's mother does not care about opal very much, but she wants to be rich and wealthy. She was live in England, but now she live in the poor town Lightning Ridge. Her dream is just want have a wealthy and happy family.
       All the people who live in this town are all focus the opal. That means the most of people all have this opal dream. However I think "The secret of an opal's color lies not in its substance but in its absences." really means the dream's result is important but the process is more valuable. Because in the process will left some memory which will never forget. However in Ashmol family only Ashmol understand this meaning though helping his sister Kellyanne to searching Pobby and Dingan. When he searching Pobby and Dingan he realized opal are not important, and he realize his family is more important than opal. When he made the funeral he chooses to give the opal in order to have a great funeral to his sister's imaginary friends. He wanted to use this opal to treat with his sister's health, but he failed. Because his family was too care about opal and ignore his sister's disease.

I think "The secret of an opal's color lies not in its substance but in its absences." want to tell us: the dream's result is important, but should not cost the entire thing in order to get the result. Sometime let the opal or the dream be visional is not a bad decision for the future.

Thursday, March 31, 2016


Use these questions to prepare for the quiz. Be specific and always think about what quotes you can use to back up your ideas.

1. Why do you think that Ashmol decides to search for Pobby and Dingan for real instead of just pretending?

2. What connection does Asmol make between the land covered with seawater and Pobby and Dingan? Why is that important to the story?

 3. What does Ashmol find inside their abandoned mine? Why does he believe that Pobby and Dingan are really there?

4. Why do you think Ashmol promises not to use the opal to get money? Do you agree with this decision? 

5. In the very end of the novel, Ashmol talks about what it’s like to “believe in something which is hard to see. Or to keep looking for something that’s totally hard to find.” Discuss the importance of imagination and dreams in this novel. Why are they so important even if they cannot be seen. Consider what dreams Rex, the father, and Annie, the mother, have in the story. Consider, also, the dream that Ashmol has. How do those "unseen" dreams connect to Kellyanne's belief in Pobby and Dingan?

Please bring in to the quiz one index card with notes and quotes on it. It will be handed in as part of the quiz.

1. Because Ashmol love his family members. He think Kellyanne was dying, so he doesn't want Kellyanne be sad. He think Kellyanne was dying because of her lost her two best imaginary friends. He wanted to find Pobby and Dingan in order to let his sister be happy or become better.

2. Ashmol was not believe Pobby and Dingan were not real. But now Ashmol was searching Pobby and Dingan. That made a big change for him. Also he remember his dad told him "the opal dream". Land covered with seawater showing his mind change. From there Ashmol changed his mind, and he understood his sister's imaginary friends.

3. According to the book, "when I shone my torch on it I could see there was a bit of color there. My heart beat the world record for the pole vault. I brushed the dirt off as best I could and then I licked the Robbie. It was opal. Green. Red. Black. All them together" First he found an Opal in a new tunnel. Then he found Dingan's bellybutton. He came up with a story about what had happened in the abandoned mine that can fit everything, and then he can tells his sister what had happened to her imaginary friends.

4. I think it has two reasons. First, Ashmol has a dream about opal, so he loves Opal he doesn't want use it to get money. Second, he only has one opal, so he wants to use this Opal to do some more important things not just give money. I agree with this decision because money can earn by another way, but Ashmol only has one opal. I think he shouldn't trade Opal easily.

5. Annie's dream is about family. She wants to have a lovely family which is rich,full of happy, every body is healthy. Ashmol's dream is about the opal. These are seem like Kellyanne's belief in Pobby and Dingan. They more want to see them which is hard to see. Ashmol more wants to find Opal he might hard to find it. Annie more want to have a lovely she might hard to see it. The dream and imagination give to you a goal or an objective to work hard on it. So even  they cannot be seen like Pobby and Dingan they still important.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


3. First he found an Opal in a new tunnel. Then he found somethings that are very heavy and feels like Pobby and Dingan's bodies. He came up with a story about what had happened in the abandoned mine that had everything fit in perfectly, and he wanted to tell Kellyanne what had happened to her imaginary friends.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Spring break story

This spring break I went back to China. That was my first time went back to China this year, because the spring break is too short my parents always let me stay in America. The reason why my parents let me went back to China is I hadn't seen my parents more than six months, and we were missing each other. So even spring break is not that long they still let me back to China.
After I arrived at home, the biggest problem for me is the jet lag. In the first week, I always weak up at 3am. That made me tired. However I spend a lot of time with my parents because of the jet lag. This break I realized one thing, my parents are getting old. I remember when I was young my father is a hero in my heart, but now this hero become weak and old. I realized I must to work harder in order to let my parents to be delighted. 
Next week my father was teaching me how to drive. Driving car is an interesting thing for me. Every day my father come back home the first thing is teaching me how to drive. One day after dinner my father told me "my son you are growing up, but mom and dad are getting old. You must to learn how to take care yourself and protect yourself." Suddenly I remembered a lot of memories. I understand my parents can not take care of my whole life, and I can not always rely on them. 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Pobby and Dingan

Pobby and Dingan are two special people, because they are two imaginary friends. They were created by Kellyanne. Our narrator Ashmol does not believe they are real people. However because of these two imaginary friends the story become interesting. Pobby is a boy and dingan is a girl. They are both older than Kellyanne. Pobby is a male who has a wood lag. Dingan is a girl who is beautiful and tall. Dingan has a long blonde hair. She also has a beautiful opal. Base on the book, lollipops are the most favorite food in Pobby's and Dingan's life. Because they are the imaginary friends of Kellyanme, even though they could play with Kellyanne, but due to her hatred brother, Ashmol, these two kids are afraid of Ashmol because every time when they are playing with Kellyanne, he would always appear and disturb them. 

Monday, March 7, 2016


1. “Find anything today?” Mum asked one night when she’d got back from her job on the checkout at Khan’s and me and Dad were relaxing after a hard afternoon’s work out at the claim.
2. Noun
3. A demand for work should be done.
1. The noise of a car drove into our ears and a four-wheel-drive police jeep came wobbling down the creamy red track that leads to our claim. It pulled over by our old Millard caravan and out came two policemen.
2. Verb
3. A sound of move or shake unsteadily.
1. My dad turned around, startled. He was totally off his guard.
2. Verb
3. A surprise thing make someone slightly.
1.kicked the air in the head to show Kellyanne that Pobby was a figment of her imaginings.
2. noun
3. A fake thing which thing create by imaginary
1. He rummaged through piles of rocks.
2. Verb
3. Search something from a lot of you careless things
1. Kellyanne glared at me through tears the way she did the time I slammed the door of the ute in Dingan’s face or the time
2. Noun
3. A vehicle to travel over rough around.
1.Lightning Ridge was full of flaming crackpots as far as I could see.
2. Noun
3. Strange people which have strange and crazy idea.
Mello Yello
1.“Pobby and Dingan aren’t dead,” I said, hiding my anger in a swig from my can of Mello Yello.
2. Noun
3. A kind of drink
1.“I still say Kellyanne could do with some real-live mates,” went on my dad,
2. Noun
3. Friends
1.Tomorrow we’ll be on opal, son, and we’ll be bloody millionaires!
2. Noun
3.a kind of precious stone
1.“Fairdinkum?” His excitement always caught ahold of me. I
2. Adj.
3. Honest and good
1.Now, I was as much a rockhound as the next kid, but I wasn’t crazy enough to talk to imaginary friends, I’ll tell you that for nothing.
2. Adj.
3. Things created in mind or story not in real life
1.She said they were quieter and better behaved than me and deserved the grub.
2. Noun
3. The food
1.a fossilized mammoth tooth with sun-flash in it.
2. Adj.
3. Become a fossil.
1.a fossilized mammoth tooth with sun-flash in it.
2. Noun
3. A huge animal like elephants with long hair.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

In class writing (Pobby and Dingan)

In the world, some groups of people have their imaginary friends when they were young. Also in the book pobby and dingan, the narratter Ashmol's sister, Kellyanne has two imaginary friends. Their name are Pobby and Dingan. I think they are not real people, because Ashmol never see them once. Also there is a evidence from the book shows Ashmol do not believe pobby and dingan are real, "'Pobby and Dingan aren’t dead,' I said, hiding my anger in a swig from my can of Mello Yello. 'They never existed. Things that never existed can’t be dead. Right?" Also Pobby and Dingan never answer or talk in the book, either. The most confusing thing for me is why the whole family believe Pobby and Dingan are real people. However I still think Pobby and Dingan are just imaginary people not real people who lives in the real world.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


I correct many grammar mistakes and do not use same sentence to repeat the thesis. The most biggest part is the grammar mistakes. When I go back to read my essay again I realize I have lot of sentences not work or not make sense. Also the Ms. Swift gave lot helps, too. She gave me many helpful suggestions to help me improve my essay. Base on her suggestions my essay change a lot and become better than first draft. 

Monday, February 29, 2016

Once on this island's review

Once on this island
       The musical Once On This Island is the best musical drama I have ever seen. Saturday night I went to black box to watch the drama Once On This Island. This musical changed from a novel. Compare to Peter Pan I love this musical more. Because I think this drama is much nearer to our life and Peter Pan is more like story for children. Also Once On This Island gives me more deep think or deep meaning than Peter Pan. Because I am the last one watched musical Once On This Island, my friends who have already seen the drama promise to me that would be more interesting than Peter Pan. So I was very exciting to watch the musical.
       When the drama stared, I remembered in class Ms. Guarino already told us some background of the drama. For example the four Gods that control the power: Asaka who is the mother of the Earth, Agwe who is the god of water, Erzulie who is the goddess of love, Papa Ge who is the demon of death. In the musical I love the Papa Ge most, because she did what she was supposed to do. In the story, the Gods saved the little baby Ti Moune. Ti Moune is from a poor family, but she was fall in love with a boy who is from the rich family. Then the whole drama is around the Ti Moune's adventure of love. The story began with a car crash, Ti Moune fall in love with Daniel.
       I like this drama Once On This Island, because in the Ti Moune's journey are full of music and every part are romantic. During the drama I realize the all music is product by students. In the performance I saw Ms. DiGiacomo was stand in the right corner of the black box, and she was directing for music players. When I saw that I can not believe that our school's band can play the background music of drama. That is my favorite part of this performance.
       I think the Papa Ge is the best player, and she is main character in this show. When she was going to take the life of Daniel, her action is like a demon or the Death. Also in this drama she is my favorite character. In my opinion she is not a bad god, she just did what she was supposed to do. Also I think she took Timoune's life in order to let her does not keep get hurt by the rich family. Papage gave Timoune what she wants. However no one understands her thoughts. I think she might be the most kind of god in the story.

       In the end, I understand why Ms. Guarino always let us comes to black box to watch the drama. Because each drama is perfect and give us a lot meaning. Also because of Ms. Guarino, Mrs. DiGiacomo and all performers' hard work this show is going to awesome. 

Favorite character

My favorite is papage Who is the god control the death. In my opinion she is not a bad god, she just did what she was supposed to do. Also I think she took Timoune's life in order to let her does not keep get hurt by the rich family. Papage gave Timoune what she want. However no one understands her thoughts. She is the strongest god. These are the reasons why she is my favorite character.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Visited writing center

Leo Wang
English II (IS)
       Today was my second time to go to the writing center. I visited the writing center at today afternoon after school. I went to writing center in order to find Ms. Swift to revise my essays. Before I went to the writing center I fixed some grammar mistake by myself, but I always thought my essays were not good enough. Also Ms. Guarino she suggested me went to the writing center. So I decided went to writing center after school.
       Writing center is located on humanities second floor left side. It is a small room and has a long table in the room. This is not my first time going to writing center, so I was not nervous as first time. When I came to writing center Ms. Swift were talking with another students, so I just sit and wait for Ms. Swift quietly. I had to wait for two other students to get their work done. Which took about 20 minutes until it is my turn. Then she let me signed up my name and said "I know all the students came to visit my on Friday. For all students' critical analysis essays which are from Ms. Guarino have a same problem." I said "I know we need add more analysis for our essays." she nodded and said "This is one. But another problem is more important. Do you know what problem did you made?" I confused by her question. I said "I have no idea..." "In your essays you guys always repeat your thesis or some bias. You do not need to repeat it." Then she let me to find the sentences which are repeated and delete it. She suggested me to adding more analysis and using more examples to prove my thesis instead of repeat my thesis.

       This time I got a lot helps from writing center. Last time Ms. Swift just helped me to fix the grammar mistakes. However this time she talked about many critical things to us. For example why humans are social animals, and why animals are live in groups. These interesting things expand my thoughts and let me understand why Lorenzo will be change. Also I understand why communication is an integral part of humans' life, and why humans can not live without group. She suggest me talk more things about these and make my essay to relate with our life. 
      In the end, I got a lot help of my essay from writing center. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


If you want to write a good essay, you must work as hard as you can. So revise an essay is not an easy thing. First you must find you mistake form your essay, such as grammar mistake and analysis. Grammar mistake is the most important problem in my essay. In the first draft my essay had a lot of grammar mistakes. I always confuse about the tense, so I made many mistake about tense.
First I look back my introduction again and again. I correct many grammar mistakes in first paragraph. Also I realize my thesis is not strong enough, and I think the deep meaning of my thesis. Then I started to change my thesis. I try to write the world can not without love, but I realize that topic is too big for me and not have too much relation with our topic. Then I decided to give up. I was going to fix the grammar mistake of my essay first. In my first body paragraph, I have more summary than analysis. I remember that analysis will be the hugest part in the essay. However I did not write enough analysis in essay, so I add more analysis in my first body paragraph. In my second body paragraph, I wrote more grammar mistakes than first body paragraph. I read my second body paragraph again and again, and then I fix most of them finally. In the end, I fix all grammar mistakes and add more analysis.

In conclusion, I feel I learn a lot from this essay. I learn more grammar and more experience. I think I improved from this essay. However I still not think my essay is complete, and I still have many problems in my body paragraph. Also I need to make more analysis in my essay.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Favorite sentence

As an old song said “The soul cannot live without love.” Only love can change a person and make the person complete.

This is my favorite sentence because it is my first sentence. Also I think I might made a good start for my essay, and I think reader will interested about my essay after read my first sentence.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

first draft

True Love
As an old song said “The soul cannot live without love.” Only love can change a person and make the person complete. In the story Me and You and Wall-E, two main characters, Lorenzo and EVE changed from self-centered person into the outstanding person due to the love. However, Lorenzo’s changed was by a person who Lorenzo hated the most before, but as the time moves, Lorenzo began to become better by Olivia. Also in the story Wall-E, EVE changed her mind from unemotional to a real person who wants to get love from others by Wall-E. So love has the power to change people’s personalities.
In the book Me and You, it describes about the how the love between families could change a person's personality. Before Lorenzo meets Olivia, he was a negative boy who always quiet and never share with other his real thoughts. There is evidence shows what kind of person did Lorenzo was"He says that Lorenzo is unable to feel empathy for others. For him everything that’s outside his circle of affections doesn’t exist, has no effect on him. He believes he is special and only people as special as him can understand him"(Ammaniti 29). Also he always thinks himself who was better than other. When he was in the middle school, his life is pretty good. He joined a soccer team and is very good at soccer. However he didn't really joined the group, he always "hide" himself and never shows up. In his family his mother doesn't care about him very much, and she is a self-absorbed. Also his father had a lot of works to do, so his father could not care about Lorenzo. His father is very strict person, and he never care about Lorenzo's thoughts. Also usually make all the decision for Lorenzo and never give him choice. In my opinion base on these kinds of parents does Lorenzo had, he does not get love from his parents. Olivia is Lorenzo's half sister. She is a beautiful and sexy girl. Because of her bad experiences and drug, Lorenzo does not like her at first meet with Olivia. In my opinion, when Lorenzo saw his sister slumped on the ground and vomited, he feels sympathy and pity to his sister. However Olivia is a different family member in Lorenzo's life. She let Lorenzo learned what is feeling by care other people and love. Base on the evidence story "But that evening I danced, and when I danced I felt something I’d never felt before. I felt alive –it took my breath away. In a few hours I would leave that cellar. And everything might go back to the way it was. And yet I knew that beyond that door the world was waiting for me, and that I would be able to talk to the others like I was one of them"(Ammaniti 143), that shows Lorenzo's changes. Love is around our life but most of time these love from different people change ourselves and didn't realize our changes.
The love can change anything for example in the film Wall-E, because it described about the love between robots still could change a robot's personality. Before EVE meets Wall-E, she is a cold and hostile robot. Also she doesn't have any emotion, and her life is full of missions. In my opinion her personality is same as Lorenzo. Lorenzo and EVE both lonely and self-absorbed before they meet the person who gives them love or let them feel love. She just a normal robot before she met Wall-E, and she never feel about love or emotions. Wall-E fail in love with EVE, he did many things for EVE and let her change herself. There is evidence shows what change did EVE made "When EVE wakes up, she goes angry and wants to return the Wall-E back to Earth. However she does not know the police robot "Go-4" going to destroy the plants and open the self-destruct of the escape pod. When the pod exploded EVE realized how her love the Wall-E. Fortunately Wall-E used a fire extinguisher to propel himself back. Then he and EVE dance in space"(Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures 2008). EVE change herself because of Wall-E's love. She becomes more like a human being. Base on the end of the film, after EVE fixed Wall-E she realized he lost all his memory. At that moment she shows her emotion, and she feels sad and heartbroken so she kiss Wall-E in the end. Even though EVE and Wall-E are robots, Wall-E's love still can change EVE's personality.
Love can make lots of changes to a person’s personality. From examples analyzed from Me and You and Wall-E. A person can be changed completely because of love due to emotions. The characters from the two movies changed themselves throughout the movie as they gain more emotions towards one another. Base on these two characters’ changes, so only love can change a person and make the person complete.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Body paragraph

In the book Me and you, it describes about the how the love between families could change a person's personality. Before Lorenzo meets Olivia, he was a negative boy who always quiet and never share with other his real thoughts. Also he always thinks himself who was better than other. When he was in the middle school, his life is pretty good. He joined a soccer team and is very good at soccer. However he didn't really joined the group, he always "hide" himself and never shows up. In his family his mother doesn't care about him very much, and she is a self-absorbed. Also his father had a lot of works to do, so his father could not care about Lorenzo. His father is very strict person, and he never care about Lorenzo's thoughts. Also usually make all the decision for Lorenzo and never give him choice. In my opinion base on these kinds of parents does Lorenzo had, he does not get love from his parents. Olivia is Lorenzo's half sister. She is beautiful and sexy girl. Because of her bad experiences and drug, Lorenzo does not like her at first meet with Olivia. In my opinion, when Lorenzo saw his sister slumped on the ground and vomited, he feels sympathy and pity to his sister. However Olivia is a different family member in Lorenzo's life. 


The story of wall-e is about the clean robot wall-e fall in love with the search robot EVE. Also he uses his love to change EVE. He make Eve from cold and hostile become lovely and friendly. First part will introduce the background and the details of the film. Second part will include the evidence and the examples which show the changes of the Eve made. Third part will include the reason why Eve change herself or what did wall-e do in order to let Eve change herself. Third part will conclude the whole paragraph and recall the topic sentence.

Summary & introduction:
       Wall-E is a comedy film produced by Pixar. The story is about the robots and human. The story is happen in 2805, and the Earth is covered by garbage because of the company "BnL". Because of this people decided to leave the clean robots WAll-E to clean the trash. People planned to use the clean robots WAll-E to clean the planet for humanity's eventual return. After hundreds years later, all the robots are broken except one, and this WALL-E has developed by himself. This robot work at earth for many hundreds years. Also he has developed a special hobbit which is to collect some special things.


In the film WALL-E it shows that love is the most powerful thing in the world, and it can change a person easily. Also the film Wall-E it shows that the changes did EVE made. EVE changed because of WALL-E. In the end she are not still cold and hostile to people, and she becomes to more emotional and more lovely.

Snow poem

Snow is coming,
The world covered by white.
There is the most wonderful holiday by God.

Sitting near the heater,
Enjoying your hot chocolate,
And sleep in the quiet world.

Be free to lay in bed all day,
Be free to play video games all day,
Be free to reading novels all day!

The snow day is coming.
Just enjoy this freezing holiday!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Wall-E summary

Wall-E summary
       Wall-E is a comedy film produced by Pixar. The story is about the robots and human. The story is happen in 2805, and the Earth is covered by garbage because of the company "BnL". Because of this people decided to leave the clean robots WAll-E to clean the trash. People planned to use the clean robots WAll-E to clean the planet for humanity's eventual return. However after hundreds years later, all the robots are inactive except one, which WALL-E has developed by himself. This robots has sentience because many hundreds years of life and experience. Also he has developed a special hobbit which is to collect some special things.
One day, in the earth a growing seedling has discovered by this WALL-E robot. After that a spaceship lands the earth and deploys the robots EVE to search for any plants of animals on Earth. Then WALL-E meets EVE, and he falls in love with the cold and hostile robot EVE. Then he spends a long time with EVE, and he brings EVE to his home and shows her all his collections. These things make EVE gradually softens and becomes friendly with him. When EVE saw the plant, the system in her body turns to protect mode. However the protect mode seems to have shut down, so WALL-E does not know what happened and why EVE seems to have shut down. Then he spent almost a year to take care of EVE.
When spaceship comes back to the Earth and collects EVE, WALL-E climb on the ship and travels through space to the Axiom. In the Axiom, WALL-E thinks EVE is destroying by the systems which are cleaning and fixing EVE, so he wants to stop this. Also in his action process he disorders many robots which in the ship. When EVE wakes up, she goes angry and wants to return the WALL-E back to Earth. However she does not know the police robot "Go-4" going to destroy the plants and open the self-destruct of the escape pod. When the pod exploded EVE realized how her love the WALL-E. Fortunately WALL-E used a fire extinguisher to propel himself back. Then he and EVE dance in space.

In the End, they defeated the AUTO system and went back earth. However when they are fighting with AUTO, WALL-E destroyed by AUTO electrocutes. After that they returned to Earth and fixed WALL-E. Finally the humans and robots of the Axiom restore Earth's environment.

Wall. E

Main character: Wall. E, Eve and people who live in the universe.
Eve and people.
Change: Wall E change people's minds and Eve's mind, and he made all the people and robots go back to the earth. 

3 possible choices

Up- About a old man who named Carl wants to go the lost land in order to finish the promise.
Wall.E- about the robot Wall.e and robot Eve. Wall.e use his ability to change people's minds and let people went back the earth.
Tangled- about a princess who has very long hair. One day she met Rider who stole crown form palace. Then she change Rider's thought and fall in love with him.

Friday, January 29, 2016

the ending of Me and You

       After I have finished reading the book, Me and You. The ending of the book is a sad ending that I did not think about it. Also I was surprised by this sad ending, and from the book I had realized the main character Lorenzo had a huge change compare to the beginning of the book. However I think his all changes are base on his sister Olivia. By the other hand Olivia changed Lorenzo, but Lorenzo also let Olivia changed. Lorenzo become more talkative and more outgoing than before but in my opinion Olivia did not have a huge change like Lorenzo.
       Before the ending of the book, Lorenzo had last dinner with his sister. Based on this event, I realized Lorenzo had a big change. First, Lorenzo talked a lot with his sister. I think before these days which lived with Olivia, Lorenzo never talk to Olivia or other people like this way except his grandma. Second, Lorenzo shared the last food and beers with Olivia. In my opinion this show another big change of Lorenzo made to readers. According to the early part of the book, I know Lorenzo is a lonely person and selfness person. He only wants to have a normal life, and he doesn't really care of the other people's life. However he shared food and beers with Olivia, I think Lorenzo wants Olivia have a healthy body or have a better life or wants she be happy. Because of this I think Lorenzo become more amicable and begin to care about other people. According to these things I learned no one can deny that family is one of the most important aspects of his life, no matter what kind of person his is. Also the love from family is the easiest thing to change a person.
       In the ending of the book, the author turns back to the present. After ten years Lorenzo already has became more mature than before. At this time Lorenzo is in the city Cividale del Friuli. This time is the first time of Lorenzo to meet with Olivia after they lived together in the basement. In the ending, Lorenzo found a letter which is Olivia left to him in order to thanks him about her at her worst time. When Lorenzo finally see the Olivia, Olivia is lying on a table and a sheet covers her up to her neck. Olivia still skinny like before when they were in the cellar, and she is as beautiful as ever. In the ending, we know her dead because of overdose. According to the last sentences from the letter "Remember keep the promise", I think Olivia did not forget her and Lorenzo's promise. In my opinion, Olivia tried to fight with the drugs, but finally she lost. Base on this I learned the reason why all the people told to their children never try the drugs.
       In my opinion, Me and You an interesting book for teenager to read. In conclusion, this book taught me the life and world not always good it also have negative way. The world is cruel for people, and each step in our life is important. If we did something wrong like Olivia did, we might never have chance to start again.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

How has Lorenzo changed by the end

In the end of the story Lorenzo changed his personality because of his sister Olivia's influence. The main person made his change is his sister Olivia. Also Lorenzo change himself to become more outgoing and more talketive. When the last night live with Olivia "But that evening I danced, and when I danced I felt something I’d never felt before. I felt alive –it took my breath away. In a few hours I would leave that cellar. And everything might go back to the way it was." Here, this part shows the change of Lorenzo. Lorenzo changed himself because of Olivia, and Olivia use her dance to give Lorenzo hopes. In the end, Lorenzo found out the right way for himself. He become more mature and grew up.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Sentence between 10&11

 Here, Lorenzo change his anction, and start to take care of other person. First time to hugged her sister and burst into tears.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Blog of chapter 5&6

       After I finished reading the book, Me and You. I had realized the main character Lorenzo had a different relationship with his sister Olivia. Lorenzo is a kid who always keep away of other kids. Lorenzo is not a general kid, because he is a solitray and quiet boy. However, these not mean he is a foolish boy. He is really good at to hide his real think in mind, but this is the reason why he do not have friend and become lonely. On other hand Olivia is a woman who is beautiful and mature, but Olivia is not Lorenzo's "real sister", because Olivia had different mother with Lorenzo. Even they form different mother they still have similarities. For example they both smart and not depend on parents too much.
       At first when Lorenzo heard the call from Olivia he was unhappy. According to the book "It's a trap! I had to be careful...didn't talk to each other." In that time Lorenzo thought that was a trap form his mother. On other hand Olivia needed money to use, so she called to Nihal who is the housekeeper and tried to found her box which still has some money on the basement. That's the reason why she called to her brother Lorenzo and went to the basement after. Then Lorenzo met with Olivia, after Olivia called to Lorenzo.
       In my opinion Lorenzo did not want Olivia stay with him had a lot of reasons. First, in the basement is not big enough and only for one person to live. Second, if Olivia stay with him will make him easier to be found he was lying to his mother. According to the book "I was getting really angry....In fact, I've got an idea. Ring the buzzer upstairs. You'll be much more comfortable...' I think the main reason is Lorenzo he planed whole things and he thought if Olivia came she will break every steps of his plan.
       However Lorenzo agree Olivia stay with him, because his mother called him again and asking to talk with Alessia's mother. Lorenzo had made too many lies already. This time he tried to lie again, but his mother said "You either let me speak to Alessia’ mother of I’ll call the other kids’ parents." Fortunately Olivia helped him by acting Alessia’ mother sounds finally. Even Lorenzo had passed his mother's call safety. Olivia got reason to stay in the basement, and Lorenzo could not reject her again.
       Lorenzo did not care about Olivia, because he did not like his sister. They only met like two times in the life. Base on the book "Who did she think she was? What had Dad done to deserve such a daughter?" I think when Lorenzo met Olivia he does not like her and think she is a problem. Even she had helped Lorenzo passed his mother's call, he still not like her. However Lorenzo is a kind person, when he heard Olivia is sick. He felt sorry to Olivia and he gave her some bread and concerns about the cold water when Olivia wanted to take a bath in the end.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Use one or two sentences to summarize the chapter.

When did Lorenzo start talking?

How many school did Lorenzo went to? 

What did professor said about Lorenzo? 

When Lorenzo in public high school why he wants to change school?

Why did Lorenzo want to lie to his mother? Base on this, what does show about Lorenzo's mother.

Based on Lorenzo's father rejected Lorenzo's beg, what does it show about Lorenzo's father?

What do you think of Lorenzo's family affect on his future life?

Why is Lorenzo's grandmother so important for him?

Does Lorenzo like his mother? What kind of person does he think his mother is ? Use events and examples to prove your opinion.

By Leo, Lillian, Marinda

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Summarize the event

Lorenzo went to ski trip and lied to his mother. He did not told his mother he escaped from ski trip.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Simple Story

Once upon a time I went back to my sister's house on October. She is living in Boston, and the house is big enough for our family. In winter, Boston is cold, and all the water freeze into ice because of weather. We have a small swimming pool in our house. I was very nervous about the swimming pool, because if the water freeze immediately we can't not clean the leaves.
 The only way for us is to clean the pool before it freezes to the ice. My sister and I spend a few days to clean the leaves, because it was October the weather is getting colder we didn't clean all the pool before the water freeze to ice. 
Until the spring, my sister told me the whole pool become dark and dirty, because of we couldn't clean the pool for two months. In the end we change the whole water of swimming pool.